Choose the package you need


2.49 USD 1 Month
7.47 USD 3 Month
14.94 USD 6 Month
29.88 USD 12 Month
59.76 USD 24 Month
89.64 USD 36 Month
  • 5 GB NVMe Storage
  • 250 GB Bandwidth
  • 2 Website
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • 1x3 Days Backup
  • Shell access Non
  • One-click Installer
  • LiteSpeed with LSCache
  • cPanel Control Panel
  • 24/7 Regular Support


4.49 USD 1 Month
13.47 USD 3 Month
26.94 USD 6 Month
53.88 USD 12 Month
107.76 USD 24 Month
161.64 USD 36 Month
  • 10 GB NVMe Storage
  • 500 GB Bandwidth
  • 5 Website
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • 1x3 Days Backup
  • Shell access Non
  • One-click Installer
  • LiteSpeed with LSCache
  • cPanel Control Panel
  • 24/7 Regular Support


7.49 USD 1 Month
22.47 USD 3 Month
44.94 USD 6 Month
89.88 USD 12 Month
179.76 USD 24 Month
269.64 USD 36 Month
  • 20 GB NVMe Storage
  • 750 GB Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Website
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • 1x3 Days Backup
  • Shell access on Demand
  • One-click Installer
  • LiteSpeed with LSCache
  • cPanel Control Panel
  • 24/7 Regular Support


9.49 USD 1 Month
28.47 USD 3 Month
56.94 USD 6 Month
113.88 USD 12 Month
227.76 USD 24 Month
341.64 USD 36 Month
  • 30 GB NVMe Storage
  • 1000 GB Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Website
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • 1x3 Days Backup
  • Shell access on Demand
  • One-click Installer
  • LiteSpeed with LSCache
  • cPanel Control Panel
  • 24/7 Regular Support
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Everything You’ll need

We monitor and manage multiple domain centralization in real-time to ensure your websites are always up and running.

server reload

We provide website backup and disaster recovery services in the easiest way possible; saving time and securing data.

open source code
Free SSL

Start protecting your e-commerce, logins, and more in just a few minutes with an automated domain validated FreeSSL.

user system
Convenience Softaculous

Softaculous takes care of the complete application lifecycle inclusive of installation, backup, restoration, and updation.

settings icon
Control Panel - cPanel

Easy manage your domain name, renew the order, & make the most of your purchase with our intuitive control panel.

lock icon
Security - Imunify360

The comprehensive multi-layered defense architecture ensures precision targeting and eradication of malware and viruses.

Performance - LiteSpeed + LSCache

Boost your WordPress, Joomla, and other dynamic websites performance and manage cache while spiking traffic.

server connnection
Convenience Migrations

We offer convenience website migration services by transferring files, databases, scripts, and free domain registration transfer.

Web Hosting Resource Details

Resource Type Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
CPU Core Limit % 1 core 100% 1.5 core 150% 2 core 200% 2.5 core 250%
Physical Memory 1 GB 2 GB 3 GB 4 GB
Virtual Memory 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB
I/O Speed 20 MBs 30 MBs 40 MBs 50 MBs
IOPS 1000 1200 1500 1800
Entry Process 20 30 40 50
Number of Process 100 110 120 130
INODES/File Limit No File Limit No File Limit No File Limit No File Limit

phone icon
Presales Support

CALL: +880 96 44445555

WhatsApp: +8801793232323